Arts Council England will pay for a support worker to help you complete an application, you just have to ask!

I use a support worker myself, but also feel that because I know the application process inside out, and have so much experience with Grantium, I’m in an excellent position to help other disabled artists. Whether it’s your first time or fiftieth, there’s something interesting a new perspective can bring.

I’ve got experience applying for Project Grants for my own work, work with The Thelmas, as well as supporting artists to make their own applications; these include both over and under 30K grants. I’ve successfully applied for a DYCP and supported other artists to devise their own DYCP projects. So, if you’d like me to be your Access Support Worker for an Arts Council Bid simply get in touch using the form below.

Say hi using the contact form below and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

For any enquiries about writing opportunities please contact
0203 582 9370